
Why is Facebook focusing on ‘time well spent’?

There’s mounting evidence to suggest that heavy technology use can be damaging to mental health. 

A study by Duke University found that this correlates with attention and behavioural problems in young people. Meanwhile, a 2017 survey by the Royal Society for Public Health found that young Brits believe social media channels like Facebook and Instagram have significant detrimental effects on their wellbeing.

Instagram’s IGTV shows potential but is not yet a free lunch for brands

Last month, Instagram launched IGTV, a long-form, vertical video platform that is available in the Instagram app as well as a standalone IGTV app.

Before IGTV, videos on Instagram were limited to one minute in length. With IGTV, Instagram users can now create their own channels on which they publish videos of up to 60 minutes. In the future, Instagram plans to allow users to publish videos of unlimited length.

How brands can use social media polling

Twitter polls have been around for a while, but with Facebook Messenger and Instagram more recently adding similar features to their respective platforms – polls are having a bit of a resurgence.

GDPR Day 1: complaints filed against Google and Facebook

After months of anticipation and preparation, on Friday, the GDPR went into effect and privacy advocates, eager to put the law to the test, wasted no time challenging the practices of the internet’s two biggest names.

Hours after the GDPR became the law of the land, a non-profit organization called None Of Your Business (NOYB) lodged complaints against Google and Facebook, including Facebook subsidiaries Instagram and WhatsApp, with four different European authorities.