Product pages and merchandising

Why ASOS is still leading the online retailing pack

I have been a long-time admirer of the ASOS user experience.

For over six years I have been using examples from throughout the site’s end-to-end experience in training and presentations.

Dare I say ASOS is the epitome of “ecommerce best practice”?

Ray Ban’s 10-month delay in sending post-sales email isn’t as strange as it seems

Consumer reviews are a powerful conversion tool for ecommerce sites and many brands send emails to solicit product feedback from recent customers.

In general, this takes place within a few days or weeks of the purchase, while the customer is still enamoured with their new item.

However last week I received a post-purchase email for a pair of sunglasses I bought 10 months ago.

Why Lush is the undisputed master of ‘B-commerce’

Cards on the table, B-commerce (branded ecommerce) is a completely made up term and you have every right to scold me for coining it.

What I intend to point out with this clickbait headline (but thorough article) is just how distinctive the Lush website is, both when it comes to editorial and ‘messaging’, and the nuts and bolts of ecommerce.

Social commerce: merchandising for a new generation of stars & fans

Social media stars have always been keen on merchandising and fully understood its value to their business (especially when their content is free).

But now, we’re seeing a change in their understanding of how merchandise can raise their brand awareness. It’s not just about selling, well, maybe not at first.

For online stars, merchandise can be a way of spreading cool ideas, new designs or just general silliness with their fans.