Product Management

Hive: A startup culture in a corporate behemoth

The team at Hive have an interesting story to tell.

Iterating a new product in a nascent part of an old industry, doing this within an enormous organisation like British Gas, while maintaining an independent, startup culture.

There’s a lesson in there for anybody.

Here’s what I learnt about Hive by listening to Tom Guy, product and commercial director, at #canvasconf, organised by 383.

How DevOps is changing the business of IT consulting

DevOps is a new trend becoming popular among information technology professionals.

It is a method in software development that emphasizes the need for communication, integration, collaboration, automation, and the measurement of cooperative efforts among software developers and IT professionals.

It is also making waves in the business of IT consulting.

How Northern & Shell harnessed user data to build a single customer view

Northern & Shell is one of the UK’s biggest publishers, owning titles including the Daily Express, Daily Star, OK!, New! and Star.

Until May this year it also operated three TV stations: Channel 5, 5* and 5USA.

So at a time when publishers are struggling to adapt to the new digital world, it’s worth taking note of the way in which N&S is attempting to monetise the massive amount of user data it collects.

What is ‘best practice’?

Are you doing what’s best, or simply seeking the protection of the herd?

It’s an enticing idea: ‘Best practice’. It suggests a clearly defined path to success; a recipe for perfectly honed websites, trouble-free projects, delighted users; a silver bullet.

But what is ‘best practice’?

I don’t mean best practice for UX design, or best practice for SEO, or best practice for project execution. But the concept of ‘best practice’ itself.

 Where do best practices come from? How do we recognise them? How do we adopt them?