Multichannel Marketing

What makes Premier Inn the world’s strongest hotel chain?

Premier Inn is currently the world’s strongest hotel chain, according to a new ranking by Brand Finance.

Based on the analysis of marketing investment, equity, and the impact of these on business performance, Premier Inn was given a BSI (Brand Strength Index) of 88.7 out of 100, beating rivals such as Holiday Inn and Hilton.

How chatbots and AI might impact the B2C financial services industry

While many businesses have been speedy adopters of emerging and disruptive technologies, banking and the financial services industry has been seen to lag behind.

This could be chalked up to a myriad of factors including complex legacy systems or even the fact that a significant portion of high value clients, particularly for wealth management firms and IFAs, are more likely to belong to senior demographics and may have a higher propensity for non-digital communication such as calls or face-to-face meetings.

Realising the potential of mobile analytics [infographic]

We know the path to purchase is becoming increasingly fractured, with consumers jumping from online to offline and across a multitude of devices.

However, in order to improve this increasingly complex customer journey, it’s vital for marketing measurement to also evolve.

Making the most of multichannel (with data’s help)

In today’s environment, you can pretty much forget about creating a simplistic, linear customer journey. It’s a lot more complicated than that.

The reason for this is that your prospects are highly active and mobile, operating across a whole variety of different devices, channels, networks and platforms.


Why are we still talking omni-bollocks?

Why are we still talking omni-bollocks, when we should be talking retail?

Why all the jargon?

Why all the omni-channel cliches and the multi-channel job titles? Why all the endless debates about whether digital is right for a brand or not, or digital versus in-store?