Multichannel Marketing

SEO is more than just organic traffic: Are you taking all the credit you deserve?

Search marketing evolves on a daily basis.

The constant introduction of new and innovative processes means that strategies can shift frequently as SEOs and marketers try to work out the best way to deal with new online environments.

From Google updates to advances in technology, the methods we use to measure the success of an SEO campaign, however, may not always be giving us the full picture.


How creative SEO can deliver big wins for luxury fashion retailers

According to our friends at Google, the most searched for fashion term in 2015 was “How to walk in heels”.

This may come as a disappointment to fashion brands who have been told search is all about sales.

Customers were NOT hungrily Googling the latest pictures from catwalks in Paris or Milan and working out where they could ‘get the look’.

Three marketing trends to watch in 2016

Every year, marketing managers identify their primary areas of focus for the coming year.

At a macro level, the same topics come up again and again – personalisation, mobile and social.

There’s a reason these three themes consistently keep recurring – their capabilities and their role in commerce marketing are continually evolving.

11 quotes from brands on multichannel data capture

‘Omnichannel customer experience’ and ‘single customer view’; two terms that cause many a marketers’ eyes to roll.

There’s no doubt that these two concepts have been realised by a select few, bleeding edge brands, but they can be trotted out as best practice without much pragmatism.

Econsultancy’s Multichannel Customer Intelligence report in partnership with Station10 looks at how brands have tackled the issue of integrating data into their organisations across multiple channels.

I thought I’d treat you to some choice quotes.

Why call tracking is vital for accurate attribution modelling

So you’ve deliberated, cogitated and digested to the point that your performance marketing strategy is like a finely oiled machine.

Spend goes in at the top and leads and sales come out at the bottom.

You can plan your marketing budgets down to the nearest penny and just open your laptop to watch a series of real-time graphs and charts that keep going upwards and to the right as the month progresses, just like they did last month.


Luxury retailer discounting on Singles’ Day: Will they do it again on Black Friday?

Earlier this week I wrote an article on Econsultancy about Black Friday and whether UK retailers will abstain or get involved with the American inspired retail holiday.

Well, like in politics, a week is a long time in retail. Today might be Armistice Day in Europe, and a day of sombre reflection, but in China it’s the wildly popular Singles’ Day sales frenzy.  

Three key takeaways from our Multichannel Customer Intelligence report

The humble website is still the most popular channel for collecting customer data, although data from mobile channels is seen as the most critical for achieving overall marketing success. 

This is according to our new report, Multichannel Customer Intelligence, in association with Station10, which explores how brands integrate data into their organisations and manage that data across multiple channels.