
The importance of data personalisation and localisation

Last year Econsultancy published an article claiming that some businesses doubt the value of personalisation.

Although 94% of companies agree that personalisation ‘is critical to current and future success’ less than half of companies are personalising their website experience.

This isn’t because they think personalisation is unimportant, but because they don’t actually know how to make the most of it.

However, even the smallest of companies can target their consumers directly using personalised content.

How marketers can use iBeacon to add relevance to location-based targeting

While location based marketing is not a new strategy, iBeacon, Apple’s recently introduced Bluetooth LE-based technology that extends location-based services in iOS, offers exciting new opportunities to engage consumers in retail stores and other destinations.

iBeacon uses Bluetooth 4.0 to pick up signals from Bluetooth-enabled phones. With an advanced API software and transmitter hardware that reaches up to 150 feet, the technology allows businesses to precisely estimate a phone-owner’s location, and exchange data and information.

iBeacons are so efficient that even the largest of stores would only need handful of beacons per floor to enable a high degree of positioning accuracy.

Loyalty schemes: 31% of Australian consumers want an app as well as a card

Retailer loyalty programs are nothing new, however mobile technologies have changed consumer expectations of how and when they should be able to access their account information.

Loyalty schemes still largely work off plastic cards but there’s huge potential for allowing customers to manage and redeem their points using a smartphone app. 

The benefits of loyalty apps are clear, as it allows customers to more easily manage their points and means that retailers can target people with offers and discounts.

And a new survey shows that retailers should certainly be thinking about moving in this direction, as a third (31%) of Australian loyalty scheme members want both a card and a mobile app.