Danny Bluestone

About Danny Bluestone

Danny Bluestone is the CEO of Cyber-Duck, an agency focused on UX driven Digital transformation. He established the agency to fuse user-centred design, data-driven marketing and technology to deliver engaging user experiences for brands like the Bank of England, Compare the Market, Mitsubishi Electric and Cancer Research.
The agency has been chosen for the Deloitte Technology Fast 100 (EMEA) and Econsultancy’s Ones to Watch. Danny has been recognised by the BIMA Hot 100, DIMA 50 male advocates for equality and the Digital Leader of the Year by Wirehive 100. He’s shared his user experience insights for SXSW, BBC, UXPA, UX London, Econsultancy and UX, Smashing and Web Designer Magazine.
papers with 'make pdf' sticky note on top

Death of the PDF? Not quite, but it’s great news for accessibility

Danny Bluestone, CEO of UX-driven digital transformation agency Cyber-Duck, highlights some key considerations for web designers and content producers after the UK government updated its content design guidance for open formats. On the 7th December 2020, the UK government updated its content design guidance for open formats. The update has underlined its commitment to open […]

Five simple steps to unlocking effective conversational UI

Conversational user interfaces (CUI) give us the potential to communicate with machines simply and naturally, says Danny Bluestone, CEO of UX-driven digital transformation agency Cyber-Duck. These new kinds of interfaces should be easy for humans to adopt – and because of their ease, can make digital experiences more open, inclusive and accessible than ever before. There […]

biometric technology

Key trends in online identity verification (so everybody knows you’re a dog)

Danny Bluestone, CEO of UX-driven digital transformation agency Cyber-Duck, looks at key trends in online identity verification. The Internet was once a more anonymous space. People hid their real identities, coming up with unique and sometimes bizarre pseudonyms to represent themselves on specific websites. As services and socialising shifted online, identifying each other digitally has become […]

Agile development: what do marketers need to know?

How your website, app or software is produced will have a significant impact over how quickly it’s built and its quality. 

The technicalities of development methodologies can be intimidating, and appear irrelevant to marketers. But, which approach is used is a critical decision.

It can’t be left to your production team, whether in-house or outsourced.  

How can technology boost the youth vote?

The UK’s upcoming election is the closest contest in living memory.

Reversing low turnout trends, research reveals 75% of young people intend to vote, but 44% haven’t decided who to support. 

This demographic has a real opportunity to make an impact on election night, if politics can reach them through digital channels.

Improving the multichannel customer experience

Whether you realise it or not, your company is in the user experience business, says Danny Bluestone, CEO of UX-driven digital transformation agency Cyber-Duck. Putting users at the centre of your strategy is key to a successful multichannel approach. Here are five guiding principles to help you get it right. The methods in which users interact […]

Is there a future for native apps?

Recent research seems to casts doubt on the future growth of the once-thriving app economy.

According to Deloitte, almost a third of UK-based smartphone users no longer download new apps in a typical month. This finding has been replicated by Comscore in the US.

Worryingly, Deloitte also reported that nine out of ten users never spend money on apps. Even the seemingly infallible Candy Crush Saga profits are slumping much faster than expected. 

So, has the notoriously short digital attention span already moved on? What are the reasons behind this ‘app fatigue’, and are there any implications for the place of native apps in future business models?

Web design across different generations

For a website or digital product to be truly ‘user-centric’, we need to determine who the ‘user’ is.

Each person will approach a website, system or app through their own, unique mental model, applying how they think it will be organised to each new one they encounter. 

Although each individual’s mental model is unique, users can be ‘grouped’ to determine their digital (dis)abilities.

Generations share key aspects of their mental models, as people who live in the same period are influenced by societal values and culture, the emergence of new technologies, and experience similar events to some degree.

Similarly, they share age-related elements, such as physical or cognitive (dis)abilities. 

Interaction design: three important innovations

Interaction design (IxD) is all about shaping the customer’s digital experience, with new research and design trends constantly inspiring technologists and designers to invent better user interfaces and widgets.

So, what are some of the exciting new trends in Interaction Design and how can they create a positive impact on customer experience?

In my opinion, there are three important innovations set to make waves.

Four points of Pinterest in ecommerce‏

The pinboard-style website is on the rise, aspiring to become the visual search engine of the internet.

With the novel arrival of the newest batch of pins that this social media channel has recently created for today’s modern digital consumers, will it be taking retailers by storm, or just bring a drizzle of rain into the world of ecommerce?

The top three benefits of qualitative research in UX

Qualitative research ensures customer validation, clarity and a process when producing the products of tomorrow. It is possible to use qualitative techniques via a user centred design process to truly innovate whilst remaining agile.

The time and cost of qualitative research is often very small in the ‘grand scheme’ of product development.

Yet it is able to answer the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of which products should be created as opposed to just ‘how much’ attained from quantitative data, therefore yielding highly creative outcomes.