Content marketing

Six ways ‘boring’ B2B brands stole A+ social video from B2C

Social media can seem inherently unfair, especially when some companies get to market fun, sexy, carefree things like exotic holidays and designer shoes while you’re stuck trying to get IT managers to sign up for another year of management software.

So combine social and video, two of the most trending, trendy trends of the past few years, and as a B2B marketer you might feel it’s pointless to even get involved.

Five steps to successful B2B influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is hardly something new.

From Mark Twain’s name and image being featured on two different brands of cigars in the nineteenth century to Kellogg’s partnering with Michael Jordan throughout the nineties, we’ve all got examples in mind of brands using celebrities to promote their products.

Why marketers are failing to track 87% of their content shares

Although most brands confine their analysis of social sharing to share buttons and email newsletter tracking, our latest experiment shows that 87% of all shares are made through copy-and-paste direct from the address bar.

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been an easy way to track this data, until now.

proctor and gamble

How brands are using empathy to enhance marketing

What makes customers buy into a brand? 

In the past, we might have said heritage or prestige, and perhaps more recently, instant gratification or entertainment. Now, ‘empathy’ seems to be the buzzword of the moment, with many brands aiming to create meaningful content that truly resonates with consumers. 

Six lessons we can learn from the best stationery brands on Instagram

Some people like to follow food brands on Instagram, others are interested in fashion. For some reason, I seem to have a slightly unhealthy obsession with stationery.

Niche, I know. But it seems I’m not the only one. The hashtag #stationery has over 2 million posts on Instagram, with big brands including Primark and ASOS also jumping on the ‘stationery porn’ bandwagon.

travel copywriting

Eight examples of top-notch copywriting from travel brands

The travel industry can be guilty of using a cliché or two. From ‘hidden gem’ to ‘melting pot’, it’s understandably difficult to stay away from bog-standard vernacular when writing about the same places as every other travel brand out there. So, how exactly do you sell a destination without reverting to clichés? What’s more, how […]

Four ways hotels and accommodation sites can increase direct bookings

A new study from Barclays Corporate Banking has found that 37% of British holidaymakers plan to book their stays directly through hotel websites or self-accomodation providers this year compared to 17% in 2007 and 30% five years ago.

This contrasts with international travellers who apparently prefer to use travel agents, with just 17% booking direct with their accommodation provider.