Content marketing

How to make sure your content gets links

A lot of the SEO industry has embraced content marketing heavily over the last twelve months.

I’d like to say there is no connection with the Penguin update reducing the effectiveness of some low quality ways of getting links, but I think it did have a lot to do with it!

Identity as a search ranking factor

Your personal and brand identity are both influencers on your visibility in search engines. How and to what extent does the power of your brand affect your rankings?

When discussing search engine ranking factors it can be easy to overlook the impact of identity and how it influences the results we see.

The idea of identity as a ranking factor is also linked to social metrics as the ‘strength’ of your identity on social networks can go a long way towards the display of trust and authority.

Goodbye LinkedIn answers, hello more Group spam? a surprising move, it appears LinkedIn has plans to turn off its ‘Answers’ Q&A section at the end of January. 

The official word is that “As of Jan. 31, LinkedIn Answers will be retired from LinkedIn. We will be focusing our efforts on the development of new and more engaging ways to share and discuss professional topics across LinkedIn” (some users have received emails to this effect, although so far there’s little on LinkedIn’s official blog about the move).

It appears that LinkedIn will be using this change to drive more engagement around groups and pages, but is this really a good thing? 

SEO in 2018: Industry Experts Tell Marketers What They Need to Know Report

Content marketing and SEO: how will they evolve in the future?

Google’s continuing moves to penalise marketers ‘chasing the algorithm’, and to reward those who produce useful and valuable content, is one of the principal reasons why content marketing has emerged as a hot topic over the past 18 months. 

The majority of marketers surveyed in our Content Marketing Survey Report (produced in associated with Outbrain) agreed with the statement that “Content marketing is becoming its own discipline, like SEO or email marketing”.

The question remains to be seen as to how content marketing and SEO will change, integrate and evolve over time, with some predicting the demise of SEO and others insisting that it will remain as its own discipline.

To find out more, and following last week’s post on the expert view on content marketing, we asked a selection of marketers how they “see the relationship between content marketing and SEO evolving over the next few months?” Their answers, some of which do conflict, are below…

The million-dollar content marketing question

Million-Dollar Content Marketing QuestionNo product was ever more content marketed than content marketing itself. And it worked. Marketers are diving in.

But the ideas that spawned the discipline that created the movement also generated a pile-up of content marketing suppliers, and it’s still growing like topsy.

With supply evolving so rapidly, how are marketers to choose a content marketing partner?

That’s the million-dollar content marketing question.

10 ways to create a great content campaign

I know a lot of people who are great marketers, but when blogging they often worry that they don’t have something which is important or unique enough to share online.

Normally this is at the risk that someone may have said something similar before.

That makes sense in a lot of ways and it is a valid concern which I admit to thinking myself when creating new content, or speaking at an event. Of course you always want to impress by telling people something they don’t know.

13 content marketing tips from the experts: how to write a great blog

There are many content marketing tools that B2B marketers can use. The most popular is the blog. In Rebecca Lieb’s book, Content Marketing, she says: “No topic or industry is too arcane for a blog”.

She cites a US-engineering company, Indium, that has no less than 73 different blogs…on soldiering materials. Having that many blogs increased the firm’s inbound leads by 600%.

But creating original content and finding time to do it is a business’ biggest challenge she says. This is also something that I hear frequently too. But as a recent Hubspot report showed that blogging is something businesses cannot afford to avoid.

Developing a multilingual content marketing strategy

For digital marketers, content marketing is top of the priority list for 2013. And as more of the world gets online, the global audience for content is growing fast.

According to the UN Broadband Commission, a third of the world population already has internet access, and this is set to rise to 40%, or 3bn, by 2016.

Rise of the social selling expert

The drumbeat of big data’s promise is quickening and becoming louder. The role of the CMO is increasingly coming under pressure to techno-fy, automate and focus on bridging the gap between marketing and sales teams.

Facebook, blogging, Twitter, LinkedIn? Inbound marketing, content marketing? “Oh yeah. We’re on it.”

That’s entirely the problem. Businesses are “just doing it.” Growth is slowing. The love affair with social media marketing is nearly over. Everyone’s all gaa-gaa over big data. So if social media and content marketing managers are to survive the meteoric rise of ‘Big Data’ they’ll need to become social selling experts – pronto.

Five big marketing mistakes companies make

For most businesses, marketing is a crucial component of success. If you can’t market effectively, you can’t sell and grow, and that spells trouble.

Thanks to the internet, the rise of digital marketing channels, and the abundance of marketing tools and technologies, companies have more marketing assets and capabilities than ever.

But figuring out how to use them correctly is often a challenge and there are a number of common mistakes that hold companies back. Here are five of the biggest and most detrimental.