connected TV

The rise of video in 2013

As companies further embrace the need for content, video is becoming a bigger part of editorial calendars and content teams.

Gone are the days of shooting a 10 minute interview and slapping it up on YouTube. Consumers’ tastes have become more sophisticated and short form video content has become our brain candy.

But what will 2013 bring the industry in terms of video?

How the internet changed Christmas

The internet has become so integral to our everyday lives that even the most old-fashioned items on the Christmas ‘to do’ list have now been transformed. 

So it’s true that in some situations, we actually can’t live without technology, but metaphorically speaking, could you have survived Christmas without it?

Here’s my top 10 ways in which the internet changed Christmas in 2012:

17 digital marketing trends for 2011, by Econsultancy CEO Ashley Friedlein

Following are my personal views on what will be interesting and important in the world of digital marketing and e-commerce for 2011. 

I haven’t given extensive justification for any of these. It’s just what I feel to be likely from my many conversations with industry influencers.

I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts, or feel free to post a link to your own predictions.