

Where is data-driven marketing headed in 2017?

‘Data-driven’ is one of those terms which seems unnecessary for marketing. Surely all marketing uses data to some extent, so why does there need to be a distinction?

As marketing increasingly moves to digital platforms, however, the concepts behind the term ‘data-driven marketing’ have become distinguished from more traditional marketing and even have their own vocabulary.

Three common pitfalls in programmatic buying

In 2016, 73% of advertisers’ total display budgets were spent on programmatic. With those numbers expected to rise, advertisers need to pay particular attention.

While the nature of programmatic itself is to streamline and create efficiencies inside the buying process, marketers need to keep the most important piece of this strategy front and center: the consumer.

The future of programmatic: 2017 and beyond

2016 was certainly not a dull year for advertising.

There are still big questions to be answered about media agency practices, transparency and effectiveness.

All the while, adtech technology and data management becomes more sophisticated. So, what does 2017 and beyond have in store?