
Start Me Up! Thalamus: ‘Yelp for advertising’

The advertising landscape is confusing, fragmented, brimming with new technology and not necessarily transparent.

That’s partly the reason that Marketing Week and Econsultancy have launched a conference on the subject, Get With The Programmatic, in partnership with AppNexus.

It’s also the reason Thalamus exists, a startup that aims to be the ‘Yelp of advertising’. I caught up with founder and CEO, Garrett Gan.

Shhh… Three Facebook marketing secrets

Facebook’s ad engine is easy to use, but difficult to master. Here’s a few ‘secret’ features which may surprise even an experienced Facebook marketer.

Facebook is good at secrets. Often it rolls out functionality without telling anyone but its closest partners. Then the new functionality slowly leaks into the Power Editor ad platform

And it takes even longer for new stuff to get into their consumer-grade ad interface.

Seems that Facebook doesn’t want to confuse the newbies 😉

Making real-time marketing less creepy (how & why you should)

Ask your average person born around the turn of the century, meaning this one, about ‘real time marketing’ and you’re likely to get a moralistic ear-raid.  

They’ll talk about the theoretical evils of the NSA, randomly but comprehensively gathering personal data about any number of individuals supposedly in the name of our collective well being.

Even though almost everyone with a smartphone makes tracking their every move relatively easy with constant check-ins and status updates, there remains a deeply entrenched paranoia when it comes to any organization ‘spying’ on us citizens, even if we’re part of the problem by being so carefree in our digital communications.

‘We’ don’t want ‘them’ to be intrusive, but ‘they’ don’t want ‘us’ to remain elusive. Therein lies the philosophical paradox.

In short: How can an honest marketing scheme be pervasive without being invasive?

That is the rub, of course and it’s a sea of gray area that marketers must learn to navigate..

Advertisers spending more on online video despite viewability concerns

Spending on digital video in Europe has increased by 42% over the past year, with agencies shifting budget from other digital channels to support their video activity.

The survey, conducted by among 175 ad buyers and publishers, found that 48% of agencies have shifted adspend from display, 33% from print, and 10% from search.

However there were still concerns around the ability to properly measure how many people are exposed to video ads online.

Ad viewability emerged as the top concern for more than two-thirds (67%) of European agencies, while ad verification and ad fraud were cited by 57%.

These concerns are fuelled by the fact that the industry is still struggling to come up with an accepted standard for video viewability measurement.

Get with the programmatic: why brands need to understand the new advertising landscape

Econsultancy and Marketing Week have launched a conference all about programmatic advertising.

NB: The next installment of ‘Get with the programmatic’ will take place on 29 September in London.

Let’s set the tone by discussing why brands must understand this technology (obvious spoiler alert: to be successful when purchasing ad inventory).

But let’s also have a look at some of the terminology and the dynamics between publishers, advertisers, ad networks, tech platforms and agencies.

Facebook Atlas: what you need to know

Here’s a brief introduction to Atlas by Facebook, the social network’s new ad network of sorts.

Facebook was already selling ads in other apps via its Audience Network, which has been in beta since April 2014.

This Audience Network allows advertisers to promote their apps in other apps using banner, interstitial or native units and all the targeting data Facebook can stump up.

But now, with Atlas, Facebook is extending this to websites, too. All that Facebook data will be used to sell ads outside of the network and these will be seen by Facebook users. The idea is that this data will increase the effectiveness of ads by allowing greater tracking of users. 

Digital marketing tech can be a competitive advantage, but only if done right

Digital marketing technology can bring a competitive advantage, but only if companies have the necessary skills and culture to make the most of the opportunity it presents.

Many organisations have found it difficult to accurately value and implement emerging marketing technologies, but a new report from Econsultancy and Epsilon shows that organisations that have excelled in these areas are reaping the benefits.

The report, entitled Leading a Digital Marketing Evolution, splits companies into three categories based on their responses to a question about how they are affected by pressures directly related to digital.

What does real-time marketing mean for B2B?

Real-time marketing works.

Let me make an addition to that rather bold affirmation. Real-time marketing works for B2C companies. Really well.

But what of B2B companies? Is real-time just a pipe-dream? A strategy only successful if left to the trendier agile brands that have an ever-growing and content hungry audience of Twitter followers?

In our brand new B2B Real-Time Marketing Report, in association with Monetate, we reveal the current state of play for B2B real-time marketing, uncovering insights that perhaps challenge our preconceptions of the importance of real-time for B2B. 

For instance, the fact that 65% of B2B companies are carrying out some form of real-time marketing, and that 87% agree that ‘real-time marketing is essential as behaviour, device, place and time come together’.

In our full report you will find research highlighting how business buyers define their needs in an always-on world. As well as the benefits to real-time marketing and the challenges. 

What is the state of mobile advertising today?

Econsultancy has published a new report aimed at providing insight into the relatively new world of mobile advertising.

In this context, it seems appropriate to ask more generally, “what is the state of mobile today?”

So, for this post I’ve gleaned Chris O’Hara’s views (the report author) on the state of mobile and why the time is so ripe for an explosion in mobile advertising (which over the past four years has seen an annual growth rate of 123%).

From omnichannel realities to the difficulty in audience tracking, here is the state of mobile today…

The report, The New Mobile Display Ecosystem, is available now.