
Four ways hotels and accommodation sites can increase direct bookings

A new study from Barclays Corporate Banking has found that 37% of British holidaymakers plan to book their stays directly through hotel websites or self-accomodation providers this year compared to 17% in 2007 and 30% five years ago.

This contrasts with international travellers who apparently prefer to use travel agents, with just 17% booking direct with their accommodation provider.

Why Adidas is moving into utility marketing with All Day fitness app

Whether you’re into yoga or weight training – there’s bound to be an app suited to your athletic pursuit of choice. The market has been flooded over the past few years, with more than half of all smartphone users reported to have downloaded a fitness app of some kind. 

Like most sports brands, Adidas has been present in the app market for a while, capitalising on the opportunity to target consumers and build brand loyalty. 

Eight inspiring examples of shoppable digital content

Basket abandonment is a perpetual challenge for online retailers, with an average of 72% of customers said to leave behind their order instead of buying online.

From delivery demands to the trend for dual screening, online shoppers are more distracted than ever before, and far less likely to display brand loyalty.

Six consumer brands with picture-perfect Pinterest strategies

While Instagram and Facebook might be the first port of call for brands on social media, Pinterest is certainly one platform to watch.

Last month Pinterest was valued at $12.3bn, and it’s predicted to generate more than $500m in revenue by the end of this year. This is mainly thanks to the platform’s growing potential for advertising, with new visual discovery tools and shoppable content driving interest. In turn, many brands are also starting to take the platform more seriously.