
How shopping malls are enticing consumers offline

I recently listened in on a meeting of Econsultancy’s Digital Advisory Board – attended by an invite-only group of C-Suite marketers.

As you might expect from the group (which included people from a number of different industries) – the subject matter was varied. However, one thing that particularly stood out to me was the topic of consumer loyalty. 

How Coca-Cola is using smartphone data to personalise in-store ads

When it comes to online shopping, temptation lurks on every web page. This is because – while you might have decided against buying that new pair of shoes you were eyeing up – you’re bound to see a targeted ad for them sooner or later. 

As consumers, we’re used to being targeted in this way. But what if you were to see an ad based on your mobile browsing history in an actual supermarket?

M&S to trial grocery delivery service: Will it take off?

Marks & Spencer has announced that it is to trial an online grocery delivery service this year, expanding into an area that it has famously resisted. 

So, what’s behind the decision? And will M&S become an actual contender in the competitive grocery market as a result? Here’s a bit more on the story and what it might mean for the brand. 

Why brands should be bothered about (voice)bots

Let me start off with a disclaimer. 

I am not a voice technology expert, conversational designer or even adept in the area of Alexa skills. This piece is written from a marketing perspective and will I hope, have relevance for marketeers wanting to know more about opportunities in this area.

You’re (still) not tracking CPA properly and here’s why

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” John Wanamaker (1838-1922). Are we any closer to answering that fully in 2017?

Calculating CPA (cost per acquisition, also referred to as CPL – cost per lead) is a challenge. But tracking the cost of your first acquisition point (which may be a lead or a customer) is essential in understanding marketing channel efficiency and equally marketing-mix efficiency.

What makes Premier Inn the world’s strongest hotel chain?

Premier Inn is currently the world’s strongest hotel chain, according to a new ranking by Brand Finance.

Based on the analysis of marketing investment, equity, and the impact of these on business performance, Premier Inn was given a BSI (Brand Strength Index) of 88.7 out of 100, beating rivals such as Holiday Inn and Hilton.