
OOH ads

Why now is the time to invest in programmatic OOH

Out of home (OOH) advertising has been one of the hardest-hit channels during the pandemic – but significant recovery is forecast for next year. Jean-Christophe Conti, CEO of VIOOH, a global marketplace for out of home, explains why he believes programmatic OOH will be key to this recovery and to the future of the medium.

john gillan criteo

A day in the life of… John Gillan, MD Northern Europe at Criteo

Criteo styles itself as the ‘leading advertising platform for the open internet’ – it chiefly works with retailers, brands and publishers to target audiences and increase visitors and conversions across mobile and web. John Gillan is the Managing Director of Northern Europe, and he’s our latest interviewee. Here’s what he had to say about his […]