Quick Guides

Quick Guides offer condensed versions of our Best Practice Guides for marketers short on time.

Quick Guide to Direct-to-Consumer (DTC)

This quick guide looks at the evolution of the direct-to-consumer (DTC) model and the opportunities for both startup and legacy brands. It provides frameworks, strategic considerations and guidance for traditional brands seeking new routes to market.

Quick Guide to Marketing Automation

This quick guide looks at the business benefits of marketing automation, including the ability to deliver personalised, omnichannel experiences to customers and improve acquisition, engagement and retention. It provides an overview of the main features offered by marketing automation platforms, and the key steps to successful implementation.

Quick Guide to Hiring for In-Demand Skills

With the digital marketing skillset expanding alongside evolving business and consumer needs, organisations face a ‘war on talent’ as demand outstrips supply. This quick guide looks at how businesses can optimise their recruitment process to attract and retain the right candidates.