Content marketing

Facebook’s big algorithm change claims its first victim, LittleThings

Facebook’s latest algorithm update, which further prioritized content from friends and family over content from brands and publishers, has claimed a high-profile victim.

LittleThings, a digital publisher focused on positive stories for American women, announced that it is ceasing operations in large part because Facebook’s algorithm change decimated its reach on the popular social network, which the company relied heavily on.

Facebook updates News Feed again: The detail

After a year in which Facebook found itself under growing scrutiny over how it determines what content is displayed to users, Mark Zuckerberg made a simple resolution for 2018: fix Facebook.

It would appear that the Facebook CEO is serious as not two weeks into the new year, the company has announced an update to its News Feed that will impact brands active on the world’s largest social network.

AudioBoom on why podcasts are an advertisers dream

Podcasts have exploded in popularity in the past couple of years. Once a forgotten medium, it’s now a burgeoning market, with the number of monthly listeners steadily growing year on year. 

So, what’s behind the boom and what are the opportunities for brands? I recently caught up with Oli Walters, head of Sales at Audioboom, to get his thoughts on the matter.

Three brand campaigns that successfully engaged Gen Z

Today’s youth – or ‘Gen Z’ as they’re also known – can be a tough crowd. 

Well-informed, digitally-savvy, and particularly cynical when it comes to brand marketing – 16 to 24-year olds are an entirely new breed of consumers.