Talent and recruitment

12 do’s and don’ts for attracting digital talent in job postings

From digital marketing to engineering, companies frequently face big challenges in attracting and recruiting talented professionals who have the skills they need to succeed.

While there are no silver bullets for finding and hiring great candidates for digital roles, there are numerous things companies can do to increase their odds of success when using job postings.

The Future of HR in the Digital Age

The Future of HR in the Digital Age

1. Executive Summary 1.1. About Econsultancy Econsultancy’s mission is to help its customers achieve excellence in digital business, marketing and ecommerce through research, training and events. Founded in 1999, Econsultancy has offices in New York, London and Singapore. Econsultancy is used by over 600,000 professionals every month. Subscribers get access to research, market data, best […]